ACIIDS 2023 Conference 2-3 September 2023

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ACIIDS 2023 Conference Group Photo

Review by Pamela Connellan

ACIIDS Conference Crowd with Dr Jill Carnahan

The ACIIDS 2023 Conference was packed with medical doctors, naturopaths and delegates at the Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney.

Dr Jill Carnahan and ACIIDS Chair Dr Ashley Berry

Dr Jill Carnahan and ACIIDS Chair Dr Ashley Berry

The ACIIDS 2023 Conference was held in Sydney in September and it provided practitioners and delegates with a wealth of information. The conference featured Dr Jill Carnahan from Colorado as the keynote speaker and ten other speakers including doctors, naturopaths and building biologists who all shared detailed insights about the treatments they use for clients who are struggling with chronic illnesses and infections.

Dr Jill Carnahan, talked about her personal journey when she found out she had breast cancer at the age of 25 while she was studying medicine at university in Chicago. She explained how she researched the area and found the integrative treatments that worked for her. She said she was then able to apply similar integrative treatments for her patients – many of whom have vector-borne infections as well as chronic inflammatory diseases such as CIRS.

Dr Carnahan opened by saying: “In the United States, we have the armed forces and there’s a specific regiment called the Navy Seals. The Navy Seals are specially trained forces for special operations. Usually, it involves danger, it involves risk and it involves a very highly technical skill set… The Navy Seals don’t have fear – they have hope and they bring resilience to the population they’re serving. Now, why in the world would I bring up the Navy Seals here?  The reason… is because I’m looking across a room here of medical Navy Seals.”

“You’re all here because you’ve seen the call of your patients – to dig deeper, to find the root cause, and to go against many of the things we were taught in medicine. Now, I’m a medical doctor… and I love my background, and my roots in medicine… But I’ve stepped outside that box and so have you.” she said, going on to give more details about the integrative treatments she’s found that work.

Later, Dr Christabelle Yeoh talked about “mitochondria,” describing them as “nature’s energy conductors.” She also talked about Deuterium in water and how this is a major hindrance to the mitochondria in our cells.

Nicole Bijlsma and Jeanette Williams at ACIIDS

Building Biologists, Nicole Bijlsma and Jeanette Williams presented a Case Study of a home at the ACIIDS 2023 Conference.

Nicole Bijlsma, Building Biologist and CEO of the Australian College of Environmental Studies, gave us the hard facts about the buildings we live and work in, saying: “Eighty-five per cent of strata owners in buildings built since 2000 have said their building is defective.” She explained one of the reasons we often have trouble with our houses is because: “Waterproofing is only designed to last for seven years.”

She also talked about how much higher our EMF exposure is these days saying: “Since the 1950s, our exposure to Radio Frequencies has increased by 10 to the power of 18.”

Dr Sandeep Gupta showed us his phone and how it’s so easy to turn off the different forms of wireless technologies it uses, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Calling – and yet the phone is still fine to make and receive calls.

He spoke more later about the combination of LPS (Lipopolysaccharides) and mycotoxins as being particularly harmful and he added: “It’s something that hasn’t been looked at a lot up until now and I’d love to see more research on it.”

Dr Janet Kim said she feels it’s very important to help patients fix their gut, adding: “If you don’t treat the patient’s gut, you can’t detox them… If someone has mould and Lyme – go for the mould first and then get the gut going.”

Clinical Naturopath, Lisa McDonald, showed us some photos of the symptoms people can experience when they’re living in a home with mould contamination and then she gave us details about how she treats mould illness.

Dr Anjana Arunachalam presented a Case Study about a patient with digestive issues and how she treated the patient so their gut was restored to good health.

Integrative Dentist, Dr Ron Ehrlich, said dental hygiene is “very important” adding: “The vast majority of oral diseases have NO PAIN.”

Dr Ashley Berry presented at the ACIIDS 2023 Conference.

Dr Ashley Berry talked about a patient he treated who had cancer and she did a range of integrative treatments he gave her and these were effective in lowering all of her cancer markers.

Dr Taufiq Binjemain spoke about the advanced, holistic cancer treatments he uses for his patients. He outlined the factors which can cause cells to become sick including trauma, emotion, unstructured water and frequencies such as EMF.

Dr Jill Carnahan MD spoke on the second day of the conference, asking: “Is all depression and anxiety organic? In other words, are they all related to toxins?” She added later: “Our gut is like a second brain. The vagus nerve is the highway of communication between the gut and the brain.”

The ACIIDS 2023 Conference provided valuable insights and perspectives on integrative medicine, chronic infections and chronic inflammatory diseases, including cancer.

ACIIDS is a not-for-profit organisation of health practitioners with an interest in integrative medicine, chronic infections – particularly vector-borne infections – and chronic inflammatory diseases. 

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