
Become an associate ACIIDS member for 12 months.


  • Access to the ACIIDS email list where you can share information and case studies with other ACIIDS members
  • Access to webinars by ACIIDS members and noteworthy national and international practitioners every six to eight weeks
  • Access to past webinars and other educational materials via the member section on the ACIIDS website
  • Discount on ACIIDS conferences


  • Associated membership is available for nurses, nurse practitioners, naturopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths, dietitians/nutritionists, psychologists, and other allied health clinicians, who have a tertiary degree and professional experience in functional/holistic/integrative medicine.
  • For doctors and dentists visit the full members page.
  • Offer available to new members only
  • Normal price $220 p.a.
  • ACIIDS board needs to accept the application (unsuccessful applicants will be refunded the full amount)
  • If you haven’t already, please complete the ACIIDS membership application form